Friday, February 27, 2015

quiz today

Many people suffering
Are you crying?
No.... ok maybe

General chaos and insanity
Excessive amounts of cookies and horse-play
Only speak of class in class- no one else shall know

Today's quiz was pretty easy. I always take notes, I just forget to put them in

Thursday, February 26, 2015


1. what were the pyramids made out of? Why was it this material?
    they are made of limestone because it was firmer than mud and lighter than granite.

2. What was placed outside the pyramid? why isn't it there anymore?
     There was marble covering the pyramids, it was all eventually stolen.

3. What is the Sphynx? where'd the nose go? Who blew it off?
      The sphynx is half man half lion, the nose was blown off by the turks.

4. What River was running through Egypt and what did they use it for?
     Egyptians used the Nile for drinking, bathing, irrigation, and traveling.

5.  3 innovations from the egyptians?
     They invented the clock, the wooden boat, and mummification

Friday, February 20, 2015


Egyptians were the first, after the Sumerians, to separate time into something like hours. Egyptians build Obelisks; tall, four sided structures that tapered off toward the top around 3500 BC. They followed the shadow like a sundial.

Egyptians also made what may be the first ever portable timepiece. This came around 1500 BC to measure hours. It was divided between 10 day time hours and 2 twilight hours in the morning and night.  

The merkhet is the oldest known tool used for astronomy. It came around 600 BC. It was used to determine North and South by lining them up with the Pole Star.

Sundials eventually became more elaborate, like the hemispherical dial. It was a bowl-shaped depression cut into a block of stone, carrying a central vertical pointer and scribed with sets of hour lines for different seasons.

Water clocks date back to 1500 BC. They were stone with sloping sides to allow water to pour out continuously. Markings on the sides showed how much time had passed as water got to each mark.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Egyptian life is centered around the Nile
used it for everything
     drinking, bathing, travel, irrigation
floods every July
recedes every october leaving behind rich soil
delta is big triangular marsh
managing river created break-throughs in irrigation
sphinx built in 2555-2532BC
lion with human head
oldest monumental statue in the world
wicked cool video that is now distracting me as i try to find "explorations of the pyramids" on youtube
Used Money and Barter

Thursday, February 5, 2015

2-5 HW

Today was my first day back in class. Not exactly a welcome party but hey, everyone makes mistakes. Today we did research on our given topic on why civilization succeeded in some places and failed in others. I am extremely unfocused right now.... anyways: I did my portion while most of the dudes (other than Jerry) screwed around (sorry guys, call it how i see it). I think tomorrow's class should be interesting to say the least.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

HW 2-5

Mr. Schick!!!!
I'm coming back tomorrow! And on such a wonderful day..... THURSDAY!!!
I'm pumped to see everyone, but not so much for the inevitable mountain of homework coming my way. Y'all should definitely have like a welcome-home banner up. that would be purdy kewl. Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing everybody tomorrow.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

HW 2-2

Hi Mr. Schick.
   I am sick :'( I went to the doctor's today and I have some kind of virus. No strep, which surprised me. I will not be in tomorrow either. My throat is hurtin' somethin' fierce and my sinuses are backed up like a tunnel during rush-hour. In other news....
My dog is growing immensely. She has gained about 20+ pounds in a couple weeks.

Muslims are trying to force shelters accepting food-stamps to adhere to Sharia Law. I find that pretty messed up. I understand how they have the right to practice their religion, but it's getting quite ridiculous. Here's the link:

I know that "tolerance" is a big deal to JC but they're pushing for education programs for muslim teens in gangs that keep getting  in trouble. If Christians kept getting in trouble for enforcing their beliefs it would be a huge deal. Muslim taxi drivers refuse to transport blind people with seeing-eye-dogs because they are considered dirty. Also the will not transport anybody with alcohol. all of this is in the article I'm sending. I know you may be all for something like this, but I'm curious as to what you'll have to say about it.

See ya Wednesday (Hopefully)
